
Christmas Eve Coffee for Charity

19 December 2014
Christmas Eve Coffee for Charity

We’ve had a good year this year and its always a good time to think back and be thankful for everything that’s gone our way in the last 12 months. Every Christmas Eve we open for a few hours just to keep our regulars happy and sort a few folks out for beans over the festive period. This year we decided to go a little further and do coffee for charity on Christmas eve and pay back some of the goodwill we’ve enjoyed in 2014.

What we’re going to do is very simple. We’ll serve coffee from 9am until 2pm and not charge you a penny. Instead we’re putting a bucket at the end of the bar and every cent that makes it into that bucket will go straight to charity, namely the Ben and Jake Connolly Trust www.benandjakeconnollytrust.com

We usually charge €3 for coffee but if you wanna pay €1, €4 or even €400 we’re perfectly cool with that too. We think this is an incredibly worthy cause and we hope to see you all out over-paying for coffee on Christmas eve. Thank you all so much for you support this year and we wish you all a happy Christmas.